Atrazine 50% WP
ALPINEE Selective Broad Spectrum Weedicide for control of narrow leaved and brad leaved Weeds.
ALPINEE is an herbicide of Triazine group for pre and post emergence control. Systemic Herbicide absorbed through roots and foliage. Good compatibility with other herbicides.
ALPINEE functions by binding to the plastoquinone-binding protein in photosystem II. Plant death results from starvation and oxidative damage caused by breakdown in the electron transport process. Oxidative damage is accelerated at high light intensity (Photosynthesis inhibitor cannot stop weed seed from germination, they will show impact after weed seed germination)
ALPINEE provides longer period protection of crops against weeds.
Always use Flood Jet or Flat Fannozzle for herbicide spray.
Recommended Usage - click on the crop for details
Weeds: Portulaca oleracea, Oigitaria Spp., Euphorbia spp, Tribulus Terrestris, Boerhaavia diffusa
Recommended Dose(hectare): 1.0 to 4.00 kg in dilution with 500-700 liters water.
Time of Application: Immediately after sowing.